. . by Dr. Joe Renfro Western education needs to return to the central reformed focus on educating from presuppositions of learning from the core of the revelation of Christ which was once basic in our land, and to see the error of educating toward the humanistic revolutionary development ...
. . Please be sure to read Dr. Renfro's May 2020 Article: http://christianobserver.org/the-school-of-motherhood/ . . True remote learning by Christian self-discipline developed in students, and educators who know Christ can carry them through from the confrontation of the Covid-19 Pandemic and could in time have positive results in ...
. . By Dr. Joe Renfro, Ed. D. We are bombarded with all types of references in respect to how to improve education, but one area we hear very little about is the school of motherhood, something we need to see as probably the most vital of all the ...
. . By the Rev. Joe Renfro, EdD The Corona-19 virus has been and continues to be a very threatening factor in our nation in all kinds of ways. There are innumerable ways that it is a disaster. This pandemic is a great disaster, and it completely rocks the ...
. . By the Rev. Joe Renfro, EdD The word “social” sounds most positive in that it points to the idea of connectedness. But socialism is another ball game, especially when it becomes a type of indoctrination of our youth and on into our colleges. It is really not ...
. . By the Rev. Dr. Joe Renfro, EdD Humanism's goals are being sought through the altering the entrance test scores of certain classifications of high school students seeking to get into colleges, so as to provide a way to reach the ideological goal of the heaven of the ...
. . There has been a battle waging in the American colleges and universities between the secularists and the evangelical Christians from the earliest days of the nation with the deists, agnostics, and atheists with their Enlightenment base in conflict against the evangelical Christians with their Biblical base. ...
. . By the Rev. Dr. Joe Renfro Freedom of speech was established in America from the very beginning of our nation, as the first amendment of the Bill of Rights establishes the freedom of speech. True education revolves around the practice of freedom of speech, but progressive thinking ...
. . By Dr. Joe Renfro Freedom of speech was established in America from the very beginning of our nation, as the first amendment of the Bill of Rights establishes the freedom of speech. True education revolves around the practice of freedom of speech, but the progressive thinking in ...
By Dr. Joe Renfro There is exclusion of Christianity in politically correct education. Much of this is a type of inversion, turning things around so that what might have been traditionally undesirable becomes the new area of positive acclaim and reversal—the new norms. There are all types of phobias being broadcast ...