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The Power to Change the World

Monday, January 5, 2009, 12:00
This news item was posted in Teen Talk category.


by Dr. Chuck Baynard


The Bible describes love this way, “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

Most Christians understand that to love others is a command of God to them and at least try to strive for this goal. The whole world would benefit from exercising the “Golden “rule” in all situations, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

There are several hundred different disciplines in secular counseling. Most will lead to a false self-esteem that contradicts the Bible, which says, “Do not think more of yourself more than you should.”

The Christian finds they are in between that proverbial rock and hard place from the necessity of self-esteem, at least to knowing who you are and your own limitations and the command to love every person as they love themselves. This causes most to see it as a virtue to place others above themselves.

The psychological world has this at least partially right. By nature we must see some value in self and feel we have a purpose in life. Every human being to ever exist or who will exist in this world were created to love and be loved, to hold and be held.

If we ignore our own needs we will find that soon we are totally burned out and cannot love others, as we should. We have entered into a place where love does not exist and there seems to be no reason for anything. This might be diagnosed as depression, but the core cause is different though the symptoms are the same.

We need to learn how to not only give love graciously and abundantly but to also receive it from others and take time to love ourselves. While the Bible says we should love others it does not say we cannot love ourselves. Balance and perspective are the key here as we will find they are in almost all situations in life.

God has promised us a life not only eternal, but abundant. Abundance is a moot word in heaven where the streets are paved with gold. Obedience of God’s commands will also bring an abundance of blessings this side of heaven. Obey God and dare to love yourself too. This is a win-win situation and will change your world and the world of those around you. It is also contagious and when enough people learn this secret to life it will change the entire world. Love is one of the things God says will last forever, here and in heaven.


Dr. Baynard is an Associate Editor of the Christian Observer and Senior Pastor at Clover Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Clover, South Carolina


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